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The scientific approach to twin flames

What really happens between twin flames, viewed from a different perspective.

twin flames | spiritual awakening | soul journey

To really understand the phenomenon of twin flames, we have to look more closely at what the soul is. Twin flames are one soul, in two bodies. They are polarized in the mind. So we have to let go of identification with the mind and start living from the soul.

“The mind is external and looking external for answers, release identification with the mind, this reveals the soul. The soul looks inside and there is the knowing”


Anyone who has really met his twin flame understands better than anyone how desperate you can be. You are obsessive about the other person and want nothing more than to understand what is going on. That's how it was for me anyway. I've searched the internet for months looking for clear, unambiguous information. There isn't. Everything is just described differently on sites, different language, different explanation, often also spiritual language. And normally I like that, but in this case I just really wanted to "understand", no nonsense language. Not only emotional resonance but also rational. In my experience there had to be a more technical explanation, where the pieces of the puzzle would fall into place. And with the knowledge I have now, I also understand better what is written on many sites, such as: energy cords being constructed, the healing process of childhood wounds and past lives that is described, what union means etc.

The reason I will write my blogs from a more scientific perspective is because I was missing information with this focus. Almost all sites write from a spiritual/psychic point of view. And that's fine, things don't have to be mutually exclusive.

I prefer this approach because I also believe that you can go through this process much faster if you understand exactly what is happening at the core between you and your twin flame.

The runner chaser phase is mentioned on almost all sites. This dynamic is very characteristic of the twin flame process. This is the period where you chase your twin flame to get him/her into your life (in whatever form, every form of attention is oke for you at that moment). The way in which this dynamic takes place is usually well and beautifully described on most sites. But nowhere did I read what exactly causes this dynamic. And in my opinion, it is exactly the cause of this dynamic that is the essential eye opener. If you understand this, many other things will fall into place as well. You will also understand why your twin flame reacts to you the way he/she does. Why he ignores you, blocks you on social media, attracts you and then repels you etc.

You can better understand the behavior of the other person, so you can make more conscious choices about how you want to deal with it.

The scientific approach to twin flames that I'm going to write about in this post were the things that really resonated for me. Feel free to come to your own conclusion, I leave this entirely to you as a reader. In any case, I don't want to withhold this information from you.

In any case, we all agree that this process is meant to grow spiritually, take a better look at yourself and go to your own core!

What are twin flames?

Your twin flame is the other half of your soul. So to understand the whole story properly, you first have to know exactly what your soul is. Are you your soul? Yes! and you HAVE a body and a mind. When you die, your body and mind fall away and your soul moves on. You and your mind are needed to experience your soul in this this physical world.

First I'm going to lay down some groundwork, briefly explain how we as humans are structured in order to be able to explain what twin flames are. And later (in another blog) I'll explain the differences between twin flames and soulmates.

We as human beings are a triune being; body, mind and soul.

Sometimes I may repeat myself, or say the same thing in different words. It is best explained and by describing it in several ways, it will somehow link up with knowledge you already have.

The mind is a very useful and effective tool for doing/action. It's ratio, understanding, thinking (and usually we spend a lot of time in our minds), categorizing, planning, remembering. The mind is duality and cán only think in duality; it's relative. It's comparing the things to something else. Me towards the other (so also me towards my twin flame). Light versus dark. Lucky versus unlucky. I feel good, I feel bad. Past future, love fear etc.

The mind externalizes. It places the things it measures against outside of itself. The mind is also called separation consciousness.

The term separation is also often mentioned on twin flame sites, this is why I mention this here. If you really meet your twin flame, there will be a period of separation. And as long as we approach the situation with our twin flame through the minds, that's exactly what you will experience (as you read on, this will become clearer).

The mind is also your personality, your ego. That's the image you create by reflection, evaluation and make conclusions.

Emotions also come from the mind. We often think this comes from the soul, but the soul has no emotional intensity. Our emotions are based on duality: I feel good, I feel bad, I feel happy/unhappy etc. all thoughts and emotions are based on duality.

And also metaphysics, such as psychic abilities and telepathy comes from the mind!

The body is the most concrete one. We see and feel our body every day. We are talking about the physical body here and almost everyone identifies with this as well. Often we let our self-esteem depend on our appearance and usually we have strict ideas of what that must meet. Because our body is so concrete and so present, it distracts our attention from the soul. We can hardly separate ourselves from the body and we regard it as what we are. (we are beautiful, fat, sporty etc). The quote 'if only our eyes saw souls instead of bodies, how different our ideals of beauty would be' is very accurate.

We also let ourselves be guided by what the body needs or wants: the body wants to get away from pain, it wants comfort and satisfaction (food, sex, clothing, etc.). It is an art in itself to learn to observe these without directly doing anything with them.

The soul is pure consciousness. As the mind is to understand, the soul is to experience. The soul only looks, doesn't judge, doesn't suffer, is not emotional. I specially recommend you to watch a few videos on youtube about near-death experiences.

This may sound a little weird, but what these people describe are experiences of the soul. And when you hear this, it will resonate with you.

And you'll see how beautiful it is. It is about unity, pure love (this is what you also read on many sites, that there is pure love between you and your twin flame - that's because you experience your soul). The soul is inner peace and zen. There are no emotions like pain, sadness or dualistic form of happiness. It is peace which is a far surpassing degree of our dualistic happiness. It is interesting to watch because it describes exactly how the soul feels. The soul is NOW, this moment. This moment is all there is. Past exists only in our memory (that's the mind). Future only exists in our imagination (which is also the mind).

Youtube video:

"Near Death Experience Showed Me The Purpose Of Our Lives On Earth| Ellyn Dye"

The problem is that we don't experience the soul as our primary mode because we think we are the mind and the body. And we take everything we think and feel as truth. We identify ourselves with that. But what's really going on is that we have a mis-taken identity. You take (in the sense of choosing) an identity. mis-taken is mis-chosen. But that means you can also choose differently. We can change that ourselves!! We are not our mind and body, we are our soul! And we have a body and a mind.

Almost everyone identifies with the mind and the roles in which we categorize ourselves. That is what the mind does; categorizing, structuring etc. (we are mother of.., child of.., partner of..., we are teacher/truck driver, doctor etc..., we have become this way because we have experienced certain things in life. All these stories that we tell ourselves is all identification, and because we make those identifications, we think we need healing.

But healing is also an activity of the mind. However, when you are in your soul state, to experiencing who you really are, no healing is needed. Because in the soul state you only experience the now. Then you are not concerned about the past or future. You experience yourself purely at that moment through your senses, among other things. As you used to be able to lie in the grass as a small child, look at the sky, look at the shapes in the clouds, smelling the fresh grass and completely forgetting time. Not concerned about time, the problems at home or what you would eat later, but being completely in that moment. That's your soul state. And that is pure consciousness.

The soul is unity (non-duality), the soul does not judge. Everything IS. The soul just looks. And therefore also to things that we experience. What we label through our thinking as right or wrong or nice not nice, the soul just looks and sees it for what it is. People who are dying are getting rid of all the roles they have had and identified with in this life. They detach from material things. And often for the first time they experience who they really are... and return to their essence.

In the film Samahdi the statement is made: "to really experience life you have to die before you die". In other words, letting go of identification with the mind during life (detachment from your roles, material stuff, outcomes, thoughts etc.). And living your soul, who you really are, pure consciousness. And this process is called spiritual awakening.

And this spiritual awakening process is exactly why you met your twin flame. The other person triggers this process in you. And that makes sense... it's YOUR soul!! And in fact, this is the only reason you met the other. The other is the catalyst for this process. Whether you will eventually be physically together that is a choice you can make consciously at a later time.

Your spiritual awakening can also be triggered by other things. Others get this in the form of illness, death, job/home loss, etc.

The word union is derived from the word unity consciousness (which is the soul) and this term you will read a lot on sites about twin flames. When at some point you experience yourself through the soul, you also experience that you and your twin flame are one because you are one soul. Union has always been there (we just don't experience it that way in the beginning, because we approach it through the mind, which is seperation consciousness). However, physical union with your twin flame, and that is the union that everyone on the internet is writing about, can only take place when you are energetically in your soul and you no longer identify with the mind.

Divine feminine and Divine masculine.

And what happens during the runner chaser phase.

A lot is written on the internet about the divine feminine and divine masculine. It took me a while to figure out what was exactly meant by this. At first I thought it was just the man and the woman . Which I thought was strange, because why not 2 men or, for example, 2 women? But this is NOT about gender (so the divine feminine can also be a man and vice versa). It's about polarity. This will become clear as you read on.

You and your twin flame are one soul, one system. And every energetic system, such as a magnet, has a positive and negative pole. This is also the case with you. This works differently in every other relationship, because then there are two souls, two systems, two (so then the poles can attract and repel each other). But you and your twin flame are one system!!! anyone who is looking for twin flame information is the divine feminine, the positive polarity. In other words, you are conscious, your twin flame is subconscious.

In the Runner chaser phase, the divine feminine chases the divine masculine. Sending text messages, contacting/following with social media, or in any kinds of ways. They try to convince the divine masculine/the runner of their love, and that you are meant to be together, etc. And the runner blocks you on social media, ignores you, sometimes even acts really rude or mean to you. You name it.

People often think that the other person (the runner) runs away because he/she is not ready, cannot handle it, it is too much, he/she still has to heal everything etc. or that he is less spiritually mature and that you have to wait for the runner until he has also experienced healing. But that's not what's really going on. What's really going on is this:

As said, you are one system. And just as with a magnet the energy goes from positive to negative, so does yours. You are the positive polarity, the other the negative. The positive energy PUSHES the negative energy AWAY.

See the pictures below. A magnet with pieces of iron around it. The positive pole pushes the pieces away towards the negative pole. This is just physics. We are energetic beings. And when you obsessively think about them (thinking = energy), sending them energy through clearings and healings (as advised on many sites) that's all energy, then they pull away. You push, they pull. Thát is what happens in the runner chaser phase.

Pulling away is what they do unconsciously. They don't know why they are doing that. They just have to go. Only when you are in your soul energy, which is where you are exactly the same, your twin flame returns.

You are polarized in the mind!!! Because the mind is duality. You are opposites. You are conscious the other person is subconscious.

What you have to do is get out of your mind = duality. That is why you should nót do any clearings/healings/tarot card readings etc for your twin flame!!!! because that energy is pushing them away. You have to go into your soul. And that's it!!! And that is spiritual awakening. The purpose of the meeting is spiritual awakening.

And this awakening process you have to do all the way for yourself!! If you are doing this, to get your twin flame in your life, you are energetically still focussing on them and that energy will push them away. As long as your goal is your twin flame, they will never be constantly in your life (you will stay in the runner chaser dynamics). Only when you are doing this exclusively for yourself, the roles will turn! And you can't bullshit the universe with you're intention. Intention = energy!!!

Your twin flame is subconscious and does not experience this process the way you do. That's hard to believe in the beginning (it took me months), because of the butterfly love that was there between us in the beginning. In that first phase the other person is also so convincing in what they feel, that it is incomprehensible that what you experience, that they do not experience it that way. It's subconscious to them! They do feel there is something special, but they are not aware of what is going on in the way you are (the divine masculine will NOT search for twin flame information either).



Then why do you experience the energy of your twin flame?

This is not the energy of the other person, this is your own energy. because your mind can only think in duality, your mind projects your own desires/pain etc. onto the other person (it externalizes). And also the metaphysical energy that you experience does not come from the other, but from yourself.

I couldn't believe this at first. It felt as if his energy was really with me (this is also what your read everywhere on the internet: telepathic connections etc). In my experience this was indeed the case! That couldn't be my own energy!! But it is! because the energy of the other IS your energy. There is only 1 energy in those two physical bodies. You feel your own energy.

I didn't see it at first, because the other physical person is distracting your attention. I was focused on the physical person and I was in love. But when I looked back later at certain moments, I saw that he (a bit in a different way) was actually doing exactly the same thing as I was. When I tried to impress, so did he (in a different way, that's why you don't see it right), I was evasive, so was he. If I didn't show myself, neither did he. You are him (in my case a man). And he is you.

Seeing the other doing the same thing, is called mirroring. But people can mirror each other in behavior (that's what you can do with other people), but in this case it's not technically mirroring. It just IS your own energy, so it makes sense that you see yourself. You áre this. It may seem a bit fussy to go into this. But it is precisely by letting this enter well that one will realize what this really means. And just by reading things that make sense, you will feel whether it resonates or not. And that's important to be able to move forward and know that all you have to do is focus on yourself. It's ALL about YOU!!!!!


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