There's a lot of confusion about the signs of twin flames on the internet. There is no clear distinction between soulmates and twin flames.
The signs you read about are mostly external things. Like what happens between you and the other; having the same values in life, he's my best friend, having deep conversations etc. And these things cán happen, but this happens even more often with soulmates, so you can't define your twin flame with this.
The real signs are the things that happen to you internally. Your system will be triggered in a specific way and that's how you really know if it's your twin flame. In this post you will get the REAL signs ...
“If you met your twin flame 'you just know'. It's the knowing from the soul and it's deeper than thoughts. But at the same time there is doubt going on, and that's coming from the mind. So two things at the same time are going on."
In this post you will read the real signs of a twin flame encounter!
As you read this article, see what it's about at the core. Things may be a little different for you, but if you have met your twin flame, you will certainly recognize the process.
There are two scenarios at the beginning. One is that you already know your twin flame for some time but there was no particular trigger at the time, it was not the right time. Then another meeting takes place, usually after some time of no contact (sometimes more over ten years). And this encounter triggers the things in you that I'm going to describe at this particular encounter.
The other scenario is that you have never seen your twin flame before.
The encounter
The moment you meet your twin flame (for the first time, or after a long time), there is an instant soul recognition. I think this is what is meant on many sites by energy cords being laid. Only nothing is laid out. Your soul recognizes itself out of thousands and that is instantaneous. This is NOT on a conscious level. You experience this as an enormous physical attraction. Or that you feel very comfortable, it feels safe, you feel at home with this person. Some people feel it physically in their chakras, they get opened.
And at the time itself you don't realize it, but if you look back later, then everything about this encounter was a bit strange, everything just 'happened'. Almost as if it was beyond your influence.
No matter how the encounter takes place, in both cases something is triggered in YOUR system. After this encounter you notice that you are in love. With most people this is instantaneous, without lead-up, without getting to know each other, from one moment to the next. In others, this feeling may be a little less abrupt. But either way, you just feel a lot of love for this person and you don't understand where that came from all of a sudden. It's a kind of love you haven't experienced before.
After that encounter, there is usually a brief period of intense contact between the two of you, in one form or another. Some people who meet their twin flame are married for example, so it doesn't always mean that there is an early relationship.
This period usually lasts 4 to 6, maybe 8 weeks (in my case it was one single meeting).
But in any case, after a short period the troubles begins :-)
The other person distances himself from you, which creates a kind of despair or disbelief in you. And that is the beginning of what is called the dark night of the soul. Your ego begins to crumble and this is usually a very intense experience. Your spiritual ascension is triggered here.
Dark night of the soul
The dark night of the soul begins after the first real brake up between you and your twin flame. Often more break ups follow in the runner chaser phase when you meet again, but that doesn't have to be that way. In my case it didn't come to a meeting for a very long time. The runner chaser dynamics played out largely through text messages; agreeing to meet up and then it didn't happen, nice messages, distance again etc.
In this period your mind starts to project everything onto your twin flame and starts the whole process of spiritual growth.
Your body and mind can do crazy things to you during this period. It is actually the brake down of your ego. It's also called ego death, which in my opinion is a better term. You are intensely sad, miss the other person as if you have lost the love of your life (while you hardly know the other person). Some even mention feeling amputated.
The obsession is bizarre. This is the most obvious characteristic sign that occurs. It feels like it's happening tó you and common sense cannot help you in this situation. It just goes on and on in your head, it just can't be stopped.
I also received psychic sensations and could feel the energy of my twin flame.
At least, that was the belief I had at that time. But technically this is not even possible. Please read my blog 'the scientific approach to twin flames' to understand this.
The fact that the other person suddenly, usually for no reason at all, starts behaving differently and distances himself, doesn't square with how it started.
For me, this was the biggest frustration I had though. I knew what I had seen of him, didn't I? Was there something wrong with my judgment abilities?
But through the other person's actions, yóur spiritual process is triggered again and again.
Your soul organizes all this itself, you are after all the same soul. His actions are unconscious, but you experience everything very consciously. They can block you on social media, say they don't want to have contact anymore. And you are desperate, am I losing him/her now? But this person will appear in your life again and again. A soulmate can disappear from your life completely, because you choose to go different ways, but your twin flame will come back into your life in the strangest ways (trust that!). With a soulmate connection, it is also common that there is a period of separation, but even then, it is often a logical consequence of circumstances or conversations. With a twin flame it just doesn't make any sense.
Personal Development (look inward)
For me, it also started pretty quickly that I started looking at myself more. Whether I really was the person I wanted to be or whether I wanted things in my life to be different. I was confronted with fears that I had, and sadness came up that I had never really felt. An emotional roller coaster starts, in which you look at your own development and turn more and more inward.
Characteristic signs
As mentioned, many things happen to you during this period. Examples are: you get songs or words 'through', which relate exactly to your process. You have psychic sensations, feel metaphysical energy and you can be very unstable emotionally.
You have a sense of meaninglessness, can't eat, can't sleep, the obsession goes on and on and on and on and on and seems to come from outside. You know it's out of all proportion, but you can't stop it. Having feelings of desperation and feeling lost or even amputed whithout the other person.
After many months I got to the point where I didn't care if I saw him again, as long as I felt "normal" again. I didn't suffer from all the things I describe here (for example, I didn't have the sense of meaninglessness, but a lot of people do experience this). So for completeness, I write them all down. And if you have met your twin flame, you will definitely recognize the process.
Many people experience physical pain, usually in the heart area, which is the opening of your heart chakra. Of course, always check if there isnt't a medical cause when you don't feel oke.
You pass twin flame information. I started googling because I wanted to know if you can feel someone's energy. And yes you can, but not with your twin flame (Also read the blog: the scientific approach to twin flames). But this was the moment I suddenly passed twin flame information.
When I was reading twin flame information for the first time, I knew right away it was true that I had met my twin flame. But there was also a lot of doubt.
People who are convinced they have met their twin flame usually don't. Those read the romantic "signs" about the physical attraction, love at first sight, etc., and this sounds so beautiful that they think this is their twin flame. The word twin flame sounds even closer than soulmate, as if it is the superlative.
But if you have really met your twin flame, you doubt it. This doubt comes from the mind. And then there's also something in you that intuitively knows that it is true. That's the soul. You just know! And that feeling is deeper than your thoughts. It's inner knowing!
In summary, the following things are signs that you have met your twin flame:
You feel a kind of love you haven't experienced before and that is triggered by the other person. Meeting this person is marked by chemistry between the two of you. It can be instantaneous. Some describe it as a switch being flipped. But it can also happen you don't get an "all the way in love" feeling until the days/weeks after, but suddenly it's there. Either way, you experience a feeling of deep love and this feeling is completely new to you. It is love you don't recognize like other romantic loves your've had before. This is different.
When you look back at that encounter, it seemed like things 'just happened' between you, as if it was organized from the outside. And that's what the soul is; the soul doesn't plan, things just happen.
The encounter with this person triggers something in you. You start looking at yourself. You suddenly become interested in your own development or become more in-depth.
Separation. Usually out of the blue, with no logical explanation, the other person distances themselves from you. Of course this happens because you two are one system (read more about this in the post "the scientific approach to twin flames").
Dark night of the soul; emotional roller coaster, you can't eat, can't sleep, sense of meaninglessness, unhealed pains come up (there's a post about this coming up soon)
Obsession; the mind can't stop thinking about the other person and it feels like it's happening tó you. The mind projects your inner feelings on your twin flame which causes metaphysic energy and things like, for example, seeiing their name or car everywhere.
physical pain; mostly in the heart area, which is the opening of the chakra.
Passing twin flame information, even if you have never heard about this. This is also something that just happens. At the right time this will show up in your life.
doubt; this comes from the mind.
you just know; this comes from the soul.
And a short summary about the signs that are commonly mentioned as twin flame signs:
he is my best friend, we have the same ideals, we are both spiritual, etc etc. This indicates rather a soulmate than a twin flame meeting. My twin flame mentioned at the very beginning that it felt like coming home to him (and many do), but this is what almost all soulmates experience as well, these signs are not specific characteristics of twin flames only. The process written about in this post is specific to all twin flame encounters.
Another thing I want to mention here specificly is seeiing numbers everywhere.
Almost all people who are spiritual ascending see numbers (for example 11:11 on the clock). But these signs indicate a twin flame meeting only in combination with the internal signs.